Welcome to Farnborough
Fires Netball Club
Want to play netball at a fun and exciting club? Look no further......

Membership, Kit and Subs
Each player is affiliated with All England Netball and costs £39.50 per season (Seniors) and £17.50 (Juniors). This includes insurance whilst playing and training, plus 4 All England magazines
Each player must play in the official Farnborough Fires kit which is a Viper 10/Flyhawk dress in blue, red and white which costs £45. Team hoodies in blue with our logo are also available at £20. White skins and black leggings are available to go under the dresses. We also have Farnborough Fires training tops, kit bags and towels plus our latest addition for 2023 -> Fires NC hats.
Each player pays £15 per month (or £10 for retirees, students U21), set up on a standing order. This covers all training, coaching, playing, umpiring and coaching costs.