Welcome to Farnborough
Fires Netball Club
Want to play netball at a fun and exciting club? Look no further......

Committee Members:
Farnborough Fires is run by an elected committee and all members are encouraged to serve on the committee to take part in developing the club. The recently elected committee members for the 2023 - 2024 season are as follows.
Chairperson and Club Manager: Georgina Bates
Vice Club Manager: Lauren Smith
Treasurer: Debbi Hollis
Secretary: Laura McAlister
Head Coach: Rachael Reeves
Level 2 Coach: Georgina Bates
Level 1 Coaches: Lauren Smith
Kit Secretary: Bridget Hitchins
Social Secretary: Chloe Hathaway
Tournaments Secretary: Chloe Hathaway
Umpires: Georgina Bates, Nicola Lindsay, Tracy Stubbs, Clare Kitchen, Ali Emmins, Amanda Aumonier and Chloe Hathaway.
Trainee Umpires: Anna Tupling, Lucy Bishop and Tasha Milton