Welcome to Farnborough
Fires Netball Club
Want to play netball at a fun and exciting club? Look no further......

About Us
Farnborough Fires Netball Club has been established for more than 25 years and play in the local Hampshire leagues, in Farnborough, Aldershot and Hawley.
We have 60 ladies who play in 5 teams in the local league at Wavell School, Farnborough from September to April, on alternate Mondays and Wednesdays.
We also have two teams who play in the North Hampshire Saturday League based at the Garrison, Aldershot.
We have one team who play in the Social League on Thursday evenings based in Hawley.
The summer league is held between June and July at Wavell School, Farnborough, on Mondays and Wednesdays.
We also part take in local and national tournaments including Brean Sands, Bournemouth 7's and various charity events, including Mixed tournaments.
We train alternative (depending of divisions) Mondays from 7pm until 8.30pm and/or Wednesdays from 7pm until 8.30pm at Wavell School, Farnborough with a professional, qualified coach.